Women Who Have Abortions Don't Talk About It with Church People
Prosecuting them isn't going to help
In Southern Baptist churches, one in three women have had an abortion.
This data was provided by a staffer for the Southern Baptist Convention’s public policy arm, and thanks to journalist
who reported it.One in three. The number surprised even me.
It compares to one in four women in the U.S. at large.
I don’t know why I was surprised by the one-in-three number in Southern Baptist churches. I’ve long known that plenty of conservative “pro-life” women have had abortions. Some of those women have been friends and acquaintances.
It’s the kind of real life information that women tend to share with other women they trust … and not with many others.
According to the SBC’s own research arm, only seven percent of women discussed their abortion decision with anyone at church. “Many women with unplanned pregnancies go silently from the church pew to the abortion clinic, convinced the church would gossip rather than help.”
Judgment and condemnation are what many women weighing an abortion decision expect from the church.
Women keep silent about abortion both before and after. Among regular churchgoers who’ve had an abortion, fifty-two percent say they have never told anyone at their church about it. Never. They “don’t see the church or the people there as safe and feel they will be judged.”
Their feelings are with good reason.
On the very same day that Stankorb reported that one-in-three number in Newsweek, Southern Baptist seminary president Al Mohler wrote that the law should recognize the moral culpability of women who have abortions “with some form of criminal sanction.”
Mohler allowed that there could be distinctions in the level of culpability, such as between manslaughter and first-degree murder, and suggested that a woman coerced into an abortion should have a lesser sanction than a woman “who brags about her abortion and celebrates it as a matter of personal autonomy…and goes to marches with pink hats.”
I guess Al really didn’t like those pink hats. You know… the ones women wore to protest Trump’s “grab ‘em by the pussy” remark.
But pink hats aside, no one should overlook the fact that Al Mohler is a heavy-weight who wields enormous influence, not only within the Southern Baptist Convention—the largest Protestant denomination in the land—but also in broader evangelical spaces. His words effectively brought credence to a group whom many may have previously dismissed as a radical fringe—the “abortion abolitionists.”
This is a whole movement of people who want to punish women for having abortions—to prosecute them, to imprison them, and for some, to even impose the death penalty on them. It’s a movement that’s growing in influence and includes some notable pastors of the Southern Baptist Convention. For example, Tom Ascol, who was a 2022 candidate for SBC president, compares a woman who ends her pregnancy to a hit man and contends she should be charged with homicide.
Al Mohler has now thrown his weight behind this movement.
Across the country, “abortion abolitionists” cheered Mohler’s words with all the frenzy of face-painted football fans.
Perhaps Mohler liked the raucous accolades, but I wonder whether he fully considered the reality of those one-in-three women who sit in Southern Baptist pews.
Would he really wish for a third of women in Southern Baptist churches to be criminally prosecuted for manslaughter or murder? That seems to be what he’s saying.
Even before Mohler’s words, women felt unsafe talking about abortion with church people. Now, they will likely feel even more unsafe. And rightly so.
Thanks for reading! My new memoir, Baptistland, is now available for pre-order!
I have been a follower for some years of Al Mohler remotely from Australia , The Briefing etc.
He’s getting some things seriously wrong lately and the scales are falling from my eyes as I slowly realise some historic errors of judgement eg his astounding public denial of the evils of Paul Pressler Prince of Pedophiles. Orchestrating ( I believe) the Amicus Brief which will deny justice to survivors or sexual abuse. He is taking a single minded stance which misses the mark- see separate comment.
I have also just realised with horror what he did in sacking Dr Diane Garland from SBTS. I also am a Christian Social Worker and Family Therapist and this woman was outstanding. Also the “wrongful firing” of professor of counseling Eric Johnson.
Sad to see an intelligent Godly man make errors of judgement.
Thank you for this article Christa and questioning some of the automatic responses where people are baying for the blood of women who have had an abortion.
I am utterly heartbroken by the extent of routine murder of preborn babies, a dagger to my heart each time I hear of one.
But such simplistic thinking needs to be challenged, assuming every mother whose baby is aborted is basically evil.
I am a family therapist social worker. I know of ‘ women’ who were schoolgirls 15 or 16 years old, coerced into abortion by their mother or a school ‘doctor’ or counselor. Here in Australia I know of “doctors” who visit schools as government funded welfare outreach. They tell 15 year old girls “ You are old enough to sign the forms. No need to tell your mother” , and are taken for an abortion. These girls know instinctively this is wrong but have no real choice. I have seen the empty, dead, haunted look in their eyes through having experienced this heinous abuse of their body, and having their baby killed. It is an evil crime.
They suffer Post Abortion Syndrome, the consequences nature bestows when a murder occurs. These girls, later women, are so traumatised by the process they cannot talk about it. See the movie “Unplanned” for insider experiences of abortion and RU487 after pill.
If abortionists and abortuaries did not exist , were not legal and even ( in Australia) abortions funded through Medicare 😰🤬😈 there would be less chance these girls would be abused in such a way.
Mercy and Grace , Kindness and Goodness and Humility are called for.
Often the mother is the least guilty. She needs healing, not shaming or even worse, legal action. 😰🙏🩷👶🌺