Jun 21Liked by Christa Brown

I just have to ask, WHY would anyone want to become a new member or STAY a mamber of the SBC, especially after all that has been revealed about the folks in power?

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Good question.

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I question this same thing. I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church. After having children, I became increasingly concerned about putting my daughters around this type of culture and I made the decision to say goodbye to the SBC. I encourage others not to lose site of Christ and maintain hope. One day, the truth WILL be brought to light. Thank you for continuing to highlight these problems and for offering clear solutions to leaders. The more awareness you bring to this issue, the more people will demand change.

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Gah! This is what I have been saying! 100 or 1000 names mean nothing if 1000 more names get added next year and the year after that! Keeping a record of abusers might be a good idea for the sake of damage control (the idea is nice) but it doesn't actually protect anyone from predators who haven't been credibly accused. Without institutional change (which they are unwilling to enact) a list of abusers may well include every single church leader in the SBC.

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Very well written, Christa!

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