And while they are at it, they should address all Christians who use bible as weapon against people, and who used Christianity as an excuse to vote for Trump Republicans.

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I'm grateful they published that article. Whether or not the SBC listens, it matters.

“Real repentance would have meant actually following through,” concludes the editorial. “Baptists ought to know that.”

"Ought" being the operative word. I've not known one professing believer actually live it. They've learned well from their leaders. Talk is cheap. It means nothing. They don't hold themselves or each other accountable for anything. It's all 'forgiveness' and 'mercy' and 'turn the other cheek.' But they are merciless toward their victims.

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Yup. I hold zero hope that they will follow through -- at least not in my lifetime. But I'm grateful when the media calls them out on their endless gaslighting. And you're absolutely right... they are "merciless toward their victims."

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