That last paragraph sounds like something Kristen du Mez says in Jesus and John Wayne. Trump isn't the aberration, it's the culmination of decades of evangelical political development and influence.

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Thank you Christa and Ben ~~ for common sense faith.

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The same people who killed civil rights workers and opposed civil rights legislation in the 1960s. The same people, ultimately, who formed that CSA and waged war on the USA. The same people who have been undermining this nation since it was founded and who almost killed it before it was born because of their deranged institution of slavery. They have been trying to destroy us for over two centuries. They are depressingly close to accomplishing their goal.

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I hate this so much! I hate it because it is 100 percent true. My prayer is that this T loving nightmare will end and God will purify his church. Thank you for all you do to shine a light.

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Wow. There it is. Thank you both for laying it all out in plain words for us.

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